纸艺设计图:3 / 隐藏礼物:6 / 其他待办事项:2
纸艺设计图 1 - Pine Tree Sapling
Location: Right at the very start, look around you and you'll see this near one of the walls.
隐藏礼物 1
Location: Head past the waterfall and climb the steps up to a house. The first Present is here.
其他待办事项 1
Location: At the back of the first area, near a house.Requirement: Take a photo of the house with Black and White filter.
隐藏礼物 2
After learning about glue walls and defeating the Scraps on the other
side, head along the ledge to the right to find the Present.
纸艺设计图 2 - Mushroom
Location: After your new friend comes across the bridge and eats the barrier, you'll see this directly in front of you.
隐藏礼物 3
Location: Immediately after the Mushroom, head up the ramp and turn right. You'll see the Present on a platform, so jump up.
隐藏礼物 4
Location: In the area with the Scraps, you'll find the Present on some rocks to the right.
其他待办事项 2
After defeating the aforementioned Scraps, head up the hill to find a
talking boulder.Requirement: Carry a rock up to the boulder. You can
find some down below where you fought the Scraps.
隐藏礼物 5
After fixing up your friend and taking a selfie to cross the bridge,
you'll see this Present in the background. Continue across the next
bridge, then head towards the back of the area to cross a bunch of drum
jump pads to reach it.
纸艺设计图 3 - Apple
Continue moving until you lower a few doors for you and your friend to
pass through. You'll see the big apple off in the distance to your
隐藏礼物 6
Location: After lowering the third door, head right along the grass for this Present.