纸艺设计图:3 / 隐藏礼物:6 / 其他待办事项:1
纸艺设计图 1 - Water Lily
Location: After bouncing across the bounce pad wall, you'll see the Water Lily far below.
隐藏礼物 1
Location: Continue until you have to cross two large crosses using the . Once you hit the checkpoint, walk downwards to find the first Present on a floating page.
隐藏礼物 2
Jump across the spinning books and onto the top of the third book. From
there, jump onto the platform and go down to the Present.
纸艺设计图 2 - Beehive
Location: When you drop down from the third book mentioned above, the Beehive will be next to you.
隐藏礼物 3
From the Beehive, cross the two flipping pages and on the platform,
pull back the diamond on the wall. Walk through the new hole to find a
隐藏礼物 4
Location: After unrolling and walking up two steep bridges, you'll see the Present on a floating page down below you. Drop down.
其他待办事项 1
After taking a paper elevator, you'll see some sliding wall and a
platform to your right. Jump over here.Requirement: Make it to the blue
present. Simply follow the path provided, nothing special.
隐藏礼物 5
You'll soon reach a point where a paper head warns you. From here, head
down to the bottom right corner of the book you're on to find the next
隐藏礼物 6
Location: Eventually you'll reach a section with triangle that you can unfold by using the . Follow this path until there is a single triangle separated on the left. Open it and follow it to the last Present.
纸艺设计图 3 - Ink Pot
Location: After the Present, continue following the triangles until you reach the Ink Pot.