纸艺设计图:5 / 隐藏礼物:4 / 其他待办事项:1
隐藏礼物 1
As you're jumping across the drums, you'll reach a checkpoint
underneath a big flower. Head left across this drum to find the Present.
纸艺设计图 1 - Squirrel
Location: Immediately after the first Present, advance forward to see the Squirrel King without his colour. Take a photo.
纸艺设计图 2 - Crocus
Location: Climb up the drums and take out the few Scraps. The Papercraft is above you.
纸艺设计图 3 - Conifer
Keep advancing until you come to a checkpoint with two bridges in front
of it - a brown and a green one. From here, look right with your
隐藏礼物 2
From the above location, take the bridge on the left to find the
Squirrel King again. Climb this area and leave through the door behind
the Squirrel King to find another Present.
隐藏礼物 3
Return to the main path and follow the sliding drums. Climb until you
reach a new platform with a checkpoint. Cross the bridge to your left to
find it inside the plant.
纸艺设计图 4 - Wall Flowers
Location: After placing the apples into the water, climb up to the new platform and cross the bridge to find it.
隐藏礼物 4
Location: At the drumming ritual, after learning how to jump, jump onto the platform with the Present.
纸艺设计图 5 - Drum
Keep advancing through the drumming ritual until you bounce off a drum
onto a small platform with a dancing apple. Behind the apple in the
background is the drum.
其他待办事 1
Location: In the final area of the chapter, in the fieldRequirement: Pin 2 eyes onto the Seed Mummer.