1.07 - Iphone
一款专业科学的睡眠软件,Sleep Genius ios越狱版不只是白噪音它通过科学的计算为用户提供科学睡眠指导,同时提供闹钟功能。
专业的助眠神器,被 CBS、ESPEN 等各家媒体报道过,据说 NASA 的宇航员都要用它来助眠。
The neurosensory algorithms in Sleep Genius help your brain get ready for sleep, guide your brain through each stage in the sleep cycle, and wake you with a gentle, refreshing alarm.
The Sleep Genius app was developed by experts in neuroscience, sleep, sound, and music following our research helping NASA get astronauts to sleep.
BENEFITS TO YOU: Enjoy the physical, emotional and mental benefits of a good night's sleep by letting our program help train your brain into its natural sleep rhythms.
WHAT THIS IS NOT: Not just another sleep app with static white noise and fake natural sounds that has ZERO effect on your brain's sleep centers. Nor is this just another sleep cycle or monitoring device that tells you how you slept…we actually help you sleep. We are the first app offing treatment for sleep deprivation。
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