下面给大家带来的是Broken Age/破碎时光的全奖杯解锁白金攻略,有需要刷白金的朋友可以参考下面的攻略。
Please Don't Tell Anyone
完成Act I
完成Act II
Let's Get this Good Time Over With
Act I - Shay 线
Is Something Wrong?
Make a Spoon Sweat
Act I,Shay 线,开始吃早饭的时候不拿勺子,听完他的对话后解锁。
Picky Eater
Act I,Shay 线,开始吃早饭的时候一直选No,直到解锁成就。
Are You Trying to Get Rid of Me?
Find 30 unique reactions to the Spoon
Act II,Shay 线,对各种物品使用勺子……这个成就在Act II才能解锁。
Gary Has His Reasons
Hear 20 reasons why Gary won't grab that
Act I,Shay 线,对各种物品使用Gary,该成就必须在Armed成就之前解锁。
Take Control of the Boom Arms
Act I,Shay 线剧情成就
Travel to a forbidden location
Act I,Shay 线剧情成就
Flawless Execution
Act I,Shay 线,救人小游戏完美完成。这个小游戏分三个部分,SL大法有效。
Act I - Vella 线
Question Your Elders
Learn all you can about Sugar Bunting
Act I,Vella 线,开始时与奶奶和爷爷完全对话
She's Doomed Us All
Escape the Maidens Feast
Act I,Vella 线剧情成就
Make Up for Some Hygiene Demerits
Get to know someone in a precarious position
Act I,Vella 线,在鸟村大树那里,顺着树根的云下去,向右走与小哥对话。
Mother and Child Reunion
Reunite a mother and child
Act I,Vella 线剧情成就
Something Not Light About Her
Leave an isolated town
Act I,Vella 线剧情成就
Produce Distributor
Feed two different people a healthy snack
Act I,Vella 线,把鸟村大树上的果子给两个人(Vella自己和木匠大叔)
Not Good with Directions
Endure a tight situation as long as you can
Act I,Vella 线,被蛇缠住的时候不做任何操作直到解锁成就。
Small Things Can Surprise You
Take down Mog Chothra
Act I,Vella 线,被蛇缠住的时候不做任何操作直到解锁成就。
Act II - Shay 线
Get Hyper
Return a missing spaceship part
Act II,Shay 线剧情成就
"What's up with all the feathers?"
Commission a custom garment
Act II,Shay 线剧情成就
"I'll bet the undercarriage on this baby is shot."
Get a family member's help on a big project
Act II,Shay 线剧情成就
"My Lightness!"
Return a heavy duty spaceship part
Act II,Shay 线剧情成就。
Knot Too Difficult
Clear up a tangLED situation in one attempt
Act II,Shay 线,解打结小游戏一次通过。
Sick of Fish
Visit someone in jail
Act II,Shay 线,成功解完结之后,去鸟新娘的场景和笼子里的家伙对话。
Make Like a Tree and Laugh
Tell a great joke in one attempt
Act II,Shay 线,给树讲笑话一次成功。
How'd I Do?
Follow up on a successful performance
Act II,Shay 线,给树讲完笑话之后先不要拿鱼招牌;和树再次对话之后解锁该成就。
"And, they do windows!"
Find a genius
Act II,Shay 线剧情成就
Act II - Vella 线
"What can I say? I know boots."
Answer some tough questions quickly
Act II,Vella 线,Mom 的问题一次成功。
There Is Hope
Get to the ship's brain
Act II,Vella 线剧情成就
"That kind of thing can be pretty convincing."
Get to know a stranger
Act II,Vella 线,见到Hope 之后和她完整对话,解锁之后再和她完整对话。
Turn That Frown Upside Down
Remove 8 sad faces from the Bassinostra
Act II,Vella 线,使用监控系统把所有的哭脸变成笑脸。
No Retreat
Execute a PERFECT escape
Act II,Vella 线,开门锁小游戏一次成功(没让维修机器人返回场景入口)。
"Not everyone has the stomach for perfection."
Uncover an unsavory scheme
Act II,Vella 线,见到Mom 之后,调查屏幕,和Marek 完整对话。
Holy Smokes
Deploy a weapon of mass destruction
Act II,Vella 线剧情成就
Greetings from Obvious Town
Reconnect with some old friends
Act II,Vella 线,见到新娘并且拿走钩子之后,再次与她们对话。
Go With Your Instincts
Chart a course away from danger
Act II,Vella 线剧情成就
"Eh, eh-eh. Eh eh, eh-eh!"
Make someone strut their stuff
终章,把Shay或者Vella 手上的机器人连出一个特殊模式,该模式的符号如下图所示:
She Must have a Reason
Stand up for someone even though you haven't met her
终章,Shay 线,在Vella使用Dead Ray 之后和Alex完整对话。
The Next Most Logical Course of Action
Start a group dance party
终章,Shay 线,对乐团机器人使用舞蹈模式的机器人。
He Must have a Reason
Stand up for someone even though you haven't met him
终章,Vella 线,在 Shay 使用Gary 之后和Hope 完整对话。
We Talked That Fight Right Out of You
Talk to the boss
终章,Vella 线,某剧情之后和Boss完整对话。